blastid! I should have looked there first. Thanks Eric it’s working now!
OK I figured it out. add your spinner, make sure it’s a float type! spinner uTiling “UVW Tiling:” range:[1,100,10] fieldwidth:40 align:#left type:#fl…
Bobo: The real issue is that the LOOP should be AFTER the Function. If you run it a second time, the function will be already defined and then it wo…
sorry dude, it works fine…I was still in the sub options for the UVW map… :banghead:
Well this is odd. I am getting an error now. Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined I closed/re-opened max and created a box with…
doh! Works great now, thanks Bobo! This will save me heaps of time.
@gruhn – yep, myNum was commented out. What a tardling I am. @lucpet – the script will animate the z position of a group of object in the order of t…
Hey guys, now as part of this script I am trying to get the z value of the xform modifier. I can get the [x,y,z] values with for o in sel do ( ad…
Perfect! Thanks Bobo and JHN!
Thank you, Mike!