I’ve trying some days but I don’t get nothing. MAX continues quiting but I don’t know why. Every time I try to work with the nodeTab, when I’m assign…
Thanks Yanick! Works!
Changed to droplist and nothing happens. Opened RC file and found COMBOBOX but, where is height? There are 4 numbers. I supose that height is one of t…
Yanick, I get that one element appears in the combo, but only one. It happens when I enter the command SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg , IDC_COMBO , CB_SETCU…
Is a SDK plugin, not an script. Sorry!
[font=Georgia]I write this method to get the speed of the object at time t. I’m not sure that it would work correctly. Any advice? Thanks![/font] Vec…
A little question: calling INode::GetObjTMAfterWSM and then getTrans would return the position of the node at T time?
Well, I’d tried as you said, but apart of this method something fails when I’m getting values from the TM. There’s a way to convert int into string to…
Thanks erilaz, but I was working with VC++ on a plugin, and I think that you had just posted is a script. Despite of, thanks a lot.
Works! Thanks a lot!
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