Great idea. Speed improved
wow! you rock bobo The modify trick did the job. I also had to change the line where i select the orig for set it blend to 100 for select the targ …
Heya Bobo! This is the code working ok on 2009 but failing on 2011 the error is: – Error occurred in crea.pressed(); filename: C:\Scripts\morphs sime…
You’re the man BOBO, thanks a lot! give me your Paypal account and i’ll send you my penny… i just didn’t knew that tools where defined previously as …
Hi there! my knowing about scripting is really small, but may be this could help. Theres a composite map with those handlers (hue,saturation,contrast…
I think i found the solution: DependsOn It refreshes when doing interactive mods.
i think what i need here is a ‘refresh’ command or something like that because if i keyframe a few pos it works ok, but it doesn’t when i am interact…