Well – the end goal with this is to actually get Autodesk to pick it up and just build it in…we’ll see how well that works out… As for the error you’…
@ loocas – right now we’re not supporting Vista x64 +, mainly because I dont have access to it to build the writeup on how to install it. The DLLs sh…
@ Dubbie – Sorry for the delay on the 2010 guys, we don’t have it here so compiling & testing is low on our priority list, but I’ll try and do it …
Looks very cool – I wanted to show you an example of what you could do in Python & PyQt to solve your problem (I am trying to get more awareness a…
just learned about this today for another problem, but thought of this post… you should probably use a mapped function, seems like what its designed …
that in itself wouldnt work… I would recommend just writing out the loop personally – the overhead of writing that out is pretty minimal, but if you …
looks good to me man…only thing I would add maybe is a gc call in the stop method too – grab the memory pre-garbage collection & post-garbage coll…
You may be loading your plugin.ini differently than what is expected. In 3dsMax 2008+ they changed their user plugin location to your documents &…
Also – the reason Python was shutting down on you while you were running that code is because there was no QApplication initialized. I am managing al…
Yeah, you can definitely develop a way to have things work inside/outside of max. You don’t NEED to use a Dialog vs. a QDialog, you can see the thing…
you guys are all running into the DLLs not loading properlly – whenever you hit a problem like this, could you just create an issue on the blur-dev.go…
@ bkravi i’d definitely recommend the python way personally, though it is very new still, so we’re still ironing out the kinks. All installation ins…
the rollout creator essentially generates a script that executes creating a whole new rollout. Maxscript does not have the ability to create UI eleme…
hey man, I don’t know the exact solution to your problem, but depending on what your needs are and what you are trying to do – an alternative you can …
You can also use getProperty on a rollout rollout roll “Test” ( button uiTestBTN “Test” button uiTest2BTN “Test” button uiTest3BTN “Test” …