I’d say in addition to loading the callback on opening the rollout, try to unregister it first. I know you doing it on the close, but this will be a f…
So its really a decision as a rigger you need to take on the functionality of the rig. When one side of the rig is right-handed and the other is left-…
Hi Jaber, This might be similar to other replies but anyhow: I try to handle mirroring as simply as possible, basically all your really doing is tr…
Archangel35757: Thanks eek for the answer… I thought all controllers worked in parent space– or maybe I’m misunderstanding you? Same thing – lo…
No. The act of assigning a transform controller essentially nullifies its controller interface access at that high level (grandparent of the entire co…
Member order counts unless you do some instantiation, for example: struct my_struct ( fn b = ( a() ), fn a = ( print “working” ), EndOfSt…
Well just throwing ideas out there – i’m not near max but here goes using just my brain. We could do something like this: 3 nodes A, B, C B instanced…
Do you mean the issue of offset? Or just the problem itself?
Thanks for the link, – the post was actually in response to what Maulik was trying to do – namely multi-directional constraints. I basically first…
Sweet, thank you MZ
PePeTD: Haha cool way of doing it I would have just used the append method like eek mentioned, Live and learn right? Really just for cleanliness…
I’d think you’d pass the append method in your boneToChildren fn, because your passing in your initial function again during a loop.
Do you have to be in the modifer stack for the object in question, im working with point cache atm and tend to do: max modify mode –Call your loop …
I will dip into this challenge a little – yes its doable. Mine can be a transform controller or pos/rotate controller. Weak referencing to allow mult…