ok it looks like it works. I think octane mix amount does not work. because of amount.value So Mix texture was added to one diffuse material inst…
Hi Can anyone help me change material ID to Texture amount value. This is what I found out about octane mix texture .material1 : material .mater…
Thanks a lot for explaining and all your help. it really helped a lot. By the way can you apply this script to multiple cars at once or there is no wa…
Thank you ! it worked! Even with madcar 3 plugin and i have one last question maybe you know how to. I use octane and instead of material ID change I…
Thank you! Unfortunately I get some ABS error . I create car and called it car2 and linked the lights. Any help is welcome. Thank you! Scene l…
Thank you do you know what should I type instead of theCar.position.controller.percent I am not good at scripting at all