not on my pc with max on it to test it, but i think it’s something like this: MyMap=falloff () for obj in selection do ( for n = 1 to…
i havnet got much time to go into detail but: vertex_color_array = #() vertex_array = (meshop.getVertsUsingFace obj k as array) for n = 1 to k do (…
I would probably store the vertex colors in an array just before you’re about to detach them and apply them to the new object after creation.
Try this: setUserProp obj “VRay_Receive_GI” “0.8”
From what i gather, you do convert the y to z and z to y in max for the positions. do you then also rotate in the right axis? as for the rotation bei…
Im just an amateur really.
ah! there were links inside the group group_array = #() select $* for obj in selection do ( if (classof obj.baseobject) == dummy then ( if isGroupHe…
ok, never one to give up that easily: try this. select $* for obj in selection do ( if (classof obj.baseobject) == dummy then ( if isGroupHead obj ==…
very strange, i’ve got max 8 as well and when i create 2 groups with boxes\dummies and seperate dummies, it only saves the groups and when i load them…
select $* for obj in selection do ( if (classof obj.baseobject) == dummy then ( if isGroupHead obj == true then ( save_file = “C:\” +”.max”…
select $* for obj in selection do ( if (classof obj.baseobject) == dummy then ( if obj.children.count != 0 then ( save_file = “C:\” +”.max” …
Is this something you need to do often? otherwise if there are only about ten objects in your scene, you could have probably done it by now by hand.
i have a smaller version but is not fool proof select $* for obj in selection do ( if (classof obj.baseobject) == dummy then ( if obj.children.count …
I’m working on a game where billboards are well in front of the wall they’re meant to be stuck on. i still have to move them outwards because of z buf…
In my experience Max has never been acurate when it comes to aligning vertices. Many times i tried modeling architecture only to find that when i zoom…