I just changed it to f because you defined k as a variable in the names array, then used the same variable again a few lines later. There’s nothing wr…
Just so I’m certain I understand… –Removes bones for the currently selected Skin modifier which are in variable k skinOps.removeBone sk k –Deletes…
Thanks so much guys, I really appreciate the help.
Thanks! File name parsing was exactly what I needed to read up on.
Doh! I was missing the quotes in the name. Got it working, thanks! $.material = StandardMaterial name:”Skin” specularLevel:90 glossiness:30 twoSided…
Kameleon: Why not just put a pure green on the viewport background, grab that and key it in photoshop? Dunno, might be a silly solution That’s e…
One hacky way to do it would be to have a script take the screen shot, then put a white self-illuminated material on everything in your scene, set the…
Thanks man, that worked perfectly!