thank you thank you again your code is my attention very cool thank you really thank you thank you perpect ps : if you have free time , pls can you …
i modified code if you excute them , you can find error if i put button till layer’s number , that code say error i want to return as first lay…
thank you really i modified some. but that is error pls can you fix them ? ( try (destroyDialog showLayer) catch() global showLayer global start rol…
thank you for your effort really really that is good (layermanager.getLayer _lyrNo).isHidden = false _lyrNo += 1 i add this statement but there is…
thank you for reply but above is only example 26 layers , 50 layer s etc … if i put first button , first layer iso and the others is hiden again if …
only i added function i deleted = sign ui screen is on ok but i put buttons , all didn’t not work what problem also ? sorry my skills~
yes i add fn UVWMapFit objArray useSel:#none= ( … ) and on btnPasteMatAndModandFIT pressed do ( selArray = selection as array if inputObject !=…