Would some kind gentleman please recompile these for 2012?
Getting this on my render nodes: DLL <\george\e\SlaveInstall\Plugins_2011\BerconMaps_2010-2011_64.dlt> failed to initialize. Will try to nail …
Is MaxSharp in 3dsMax 2012?
Hey MiranDMC, why is it that changing this line: local mapVerts = for i=1 to object.numverts collect #() …to: local mapVerts = for i=1 to 5 collect…
Thanks alot guys, i’ll try these out tomorrow.
Ok, nevermind. A map vertex is different to a regular vertex, so there are more map verts than regular verts (otherwise a vertex would be in the same …
Actually I have another idea. I virtually push the vertices of each face along the faces normal, multiplied by that vertices V co-ordinate. Then I uh……
Hopefully this happy image explains it a bit more. Here’s a standard plane with 4×4 subdivisions. Each polygon is UV mapped and some are rotated. F…
Great! Thanks for that