Here’s a function to do that. fn fillMultimaterial multi = ( for i in 1 to multi.numsubs do ( if multi[i] == undefined then ( multi[i]…
I haven’t tested this (I’m not in front of max), but I think it’s failing because you reset “test” to be an empty array inside the “for x in selection…
PiXeL_MoNKeY: On that note there is a python script posted to this forum that uses telnet to give you a little more control to backburner than you c…
Try replacing your error line with… r = ray (polyop.getFaceCenter i q) [0, 0, -1] Untested, as I don’t have Max in front of me, but it looks like it…
Use hexadecimal \x0A instead of . Cheers, Drea
I’m not in front of max so this is untested, but maybe something like… fn randBinary len = ( str = “” for i in 1 to len do ( str …
There’s a couple of reasons it’s not working for you. First, in your position calculation, you’re subtracting the maximum value from the minimum to …
The “+” characters in the data add a bit of a wrinkle and I’m not sure if I’ve interpreted what you’re doing with the pivot correctly, but this should…
I think you’re after suspendEditing (remember to call resumeEditing afterwards). Cheers, Drea
Once there’s more than one test for the where, I like to put them all in a helper function. It helps keep your lines a bit more manageable. fn isMyTh…
Just one letter missing. allLight = for p in selection where classof p == XPlaneObj8Light collect p Cheers, Drea
I think you might have better luck on one of the Relic Mods fora. Cheers, Drea
Max9: time:188 mats:100 time:265 mats:200 time:360 mats:300 time:469 mats:400 time:609 mats:500 time:703 mats:600 time:828 mats:700 time:1031 mats:800…
If you’re after a completely random selection something like this should work. select (for i in Array1 where random 0 1 == 1 collect i) Chee…