Although, there is initialEnvelopePercent with default values as a percentage from bounding box. So setting (in/out) radius from that = resetting enve…
I remember surprising results when I was trying that by resetting bones. Thinking save Envelopes saving weights so resetting weights should reset… But…
Serejah: don’t really know how to test it properly And how would you know!? Reading what’s new in Max! Either they don’t know or don’t want to te…
And you can’t call that tools from your tool?
Don’t understand? What’s wrong with BridgeBorder and BridgePolygon? You are breaking (closed) loops in video, that’s enough for sorting, isn’t it?
Serejah: what metric to use How about color? That approach of pair matching can lead to all kind of bad results, polygons crossing… Algorithm…
No, no color It’s pretty ordinary… First detached face/s get new vertices. Faces 1,2 get vertices 9…12 It’s not vertex color thing. If (auto) gener…
Can you see some relation with color? Computers aren’t smart enough to made up – well, anything! Computers aren’t smart enough to be or play stupid …
denisT: Has anything changed since Nitrous came along and can we recognize anyhow the first (forced redraw) and next (progressive) calls? Changed…
For upper photo and scene: Max 2015. Everything that matters here on default values -AO and shadows – on -Sky(light) default values -Material – what i…
guruware: btw. what exatly it “progressive update” for ? 512 steps to refine AO/shadows and they look like crap, and this in times of realtime ray…
gandhics: But, we still installs and need them. I don’t! Maybe I should but I don’t… Started from anger on (paid) AV decide to take a risk and s…
Looks like script didnt let me answer with just one sentance:roll_eyes: P.S. And again, this time I’m blaming me:rofl: want more? want more? want mo…
HarnessFatality: I hope I’m wrong. You are. I hope you are happy now testing testing testing testing
That answer is so wrong that makes it perfect respond for subject! Why not using program other way around, creating functions and shapes by creating …