First of all, that line tempStretchRot = global.Slerp(tempStretchRot, partsA.U, percentage); should be replaced with that one tempStretchRot = gl…
Your implementation looks correct, I have the same code in C++ working fine for me. But the original interpolation method doesn’t care about of axis s…
So now you’re talking about ALIGNING pivots and not about FLIPPING, aren’t you?
I’ll check it next week
Post max file anyway. Why not?
You’re welcome.
your result is correct but it’s in radians all you need is to convert it to degrees in maxscript radtodeg() #define RadToDeg ( rad ) (((f…
Ok. Controllers store values in local space. if you want in world space i think the best way will be to get node transform and then decompose its part…
try this one. this code for position only for rotation and scale exactly the same approach. TimeValue t = GetCOREInterface()->GetTime(); float x,y…
I think you looking for this one. node->GetTMController()->GetPositionController()->GetValue(); node->GetTMController()->GetRotationCo…
$ScriptNode.addTarget “Name” Node.modifier[#Attribute_Holder].ca_def.Spinner1.controller but in CA definition you have to define default controller …
or… use iterations to get x/y/z value of every vertex and compare it with previously found vertex or… get size of bounding box(actually it’s the same)…
yep you’re right, recursion has problems and programmer should always care about depth of recursion and think that it can make stack overflow. but so…
fn getRoot node = if isvalidnode node.parent then getRoot node.parent else node i like recursion