Just what I was after! Thanks Dan
That was strange? I unziped your file which created another new file I added .zip extension to the new file and then had to unziped that one as well. …
Thanks for posting the scripts, I copied it into the macroscripts folder and than ran max but it didnt show up a “HaywoodTools” category. I opend the …
Thats strange, I`ve tried it here and it works?
Thanks for taking the time to do this, its going to be very useful. Cheers DAn
Thanks for that. cheers Dan
Max7 has new tools for this very thing!! look up the new features with the skin modifier
Thanks for that I`ll try it out. Ta Dan
it`s alive ! its alive ! Cheers mate works really well. Dan
Brilliant! Thanks alot Dan
oh man, this sounds great. Just read your reply so I haven’t had time to recreate your methods but it seems like you have a good solution, though as y…