hey externe, man I have dynamic page, and yeah thats PHP. But it isnt free. But the problem is, I searched the net for days and I found some codes of …
externe, I dont know if I will pass your quiz but here it goes: if I got you correct, I would use format “% edges selected” ((polyOp.getEdgeSelecti…
hey Erka, ok man I will check that out. and if you can post a link about C4D for the function u need, that would be cool, believe me challenge is a ch…
hey Bobo, I think you are right man. Also do you think there is a possibility of a rewrite. if there is does that mean, older MAXScripts will not work…
yeah if there are many rollouts, you are right, so maybe in max 7, you can do this. But anyone can tell me when max 7 will be shipped? See ya
no man I am just saying you are such a cool dude, that shouldnt be MISSED! See ya
hey Bobo, actually I never saw any photo of you before. And that photo really somewhat touched me. Dont get me wrong but, you have quite innocent face…
ok I am posting this for twice, here internet sucks. anyway. Hey man, if you need that functionality, I would prefer doing a dialog for opening other…
hey externe, there you go: I hope it doesnt cause any problem macroScript VertexPlacer3 category:“Vertex Tools” buttontext:“Vertex Placer” tooltip:“Q…
hey man, just give me your mail address and I will send you one. Yeah you are right, I opened a simlar thread, sorry about that. My dream script is …
I am showing you the tecnique, so you can apply it to yours. ( global newRollout try(destroyDialog newRollout) catch() rollout newRollout “New Rol…
hey man, if I got you correct, I would write this way: (correct me if I am wrong, then tell me what steps you want the script to perform for you) ( …
man if I were you I would write this way: fn getFaceSelectionArea = ( local totalAr = 0 for i in (polyOp.getFaceSelection selection[1]) do ( loc…