Hope this doesn;t sound like a stupid question but is raymeshgridintersect similar to sampling by octree levels?
Haha…not a hitman! This to help visualize bullet trajectories in forensic viz. Actually the cone height seemed to be working fine…its the radius stu…
Okay…thanks again for the help…but i think i’ve gone as far as i can with this script with my limited skills. I’ve somehow broken the script and i ca…
Thanks for the help guys!
Thats bascially what i did…similar to the online help version…changing the text based on the output of your speed controller. used this in the text d…
K…sort of figured it out. I got the text to update in the viewport. DenisT…thanks again for the script! All of your help makes learning less painfu…
Is there an easy way to connect this to a text object so that the speed displays dynamically? Its such a great script…to be able to render this in the…
Thanks so much for the help guys…really appreciate it. Lots to learn about maxscript but this is going to help!
I’m just starting to put more time and effort into learning maxscript…its coming along. I’m basically trying to have a document that the end user can…
Thanks alot Dave, another great blog entry…very helpful for those of us learning maxscript!
I was thinking of this too…had a look at the email code in the help file but haven’t got to it yet. Wonder if anyone else has used that?