Problem solved! Seeing the behaviour described above, I suspected the plugin load order causing the problem somehow. Then I discovered that for plugin…
Thank’s for your answer. Conic sections can be constructed from 5 given points if I remember correctly. One curve section has 2 border control points …
How about asking the autor of this great rig himself? He posted some screens in the rigging forum some time ago.
Hello, eek. First of all I feel honored to get an answer from an animation master like you. (Half of my problems with rigging are solved instantly, be…
Sorry for double posting, but I’ve ran into the next strange problem. Now I want to dynamically wire some rotations with ascending weights from 0.5 to…
@S_S1: Perfect! Using this hint, everything works fine now. Thank you very much!
For all who are still using 3dsmax5: You can fix this problem with an unsupported update for viz4. Here’s the Link: