thank stev for the tips also i got some prob with the .castshadows i use checkbox ShadowOn “use shadow” on ShadowOn changed state do $.casts…
thank for your help Bobo. you lost me with the .ROW4 but anyways i get the point. its too much work for such a simple thing why does every project i…
thats weird i copy paste your code and got this error instead – Syntax error: at end, expected ) – In line: BTW you we’re missing on closing brac…
$viewport.setgridvisibility = bool (true or false ) this will make the grid visible for the selected viewport.
awesome.!!! i tried but i wasnt able to find the right solution. I would so steal your brain if it was possible or maybe i’ll clone you and keep my …
Would you be interested in buying a CG-Academy DVD on PFlow Scripting if there was one? if you made it yeah ! ( and you gave me a free copy ) just…
thank vasilescu_anton i found SMIV by bobo problem is ; like most script i found they use the “show map in viewport” founded in the material editor. W…
Thank for all your input guys. i think i’ll stick with the help file for a moment. the DVD from john Wainwright seem well done too. Thank again fo…
i agree with the online ref, its y best friend right now. Problem is i have some problem with reading on screen. Plus i can bring it wherever i wan…
don’t want to hack the thread but i had i question in the same vein. the autoback is control by a timer right? is it possible to reset the timer ever…