im sorry but i dont really get the use of this script i see situation like you have a wood fence using a giant tileable texture but you want some cha…
just throwing idea here. how reactor react (?) with object who have a mass of 0.0 ? if they arent affect i think if could be interessecting “keyframe…
found this but for the FFD box. seem for the modifier not the space warp [left]setDimensions <FFDBox> <Point3> [/left] [left]Get and s…
seriously how would work such tool in max? i mean what could be needed to achieve a similar tool? im really interessted but my jknowledge of MXS is s…
wow just wow.
Blur studio made a script called map collector in their BS pack. basicaly it searche for all the map/shader etc related to the scene and copy/cut/mov…
max should use window”s folder font . If it changed in max 8 you can chang path with the customise menu.
i tried it at home. maybe it was my script but i always got error even on Sphere() . Its hard to make mistake on this one. So i believe the registry …
just use Simon Feltan Rez8n Bridge. i use it within Crimson editor but it work with ultraedit too. Useful if you have 2 screen If no stick with with…
yonk in my Script Librairie Thank Wahonney!
anyway…not so clear…going to have a beer!! that explain why its not so clear sorry but i dont understant tu use of a text file output? you what to …
thank for your help bobo. as i said function or well structure code is still unexplored space to me. That why i need to work on it. anyways. i’ll…