Thanks, works perfect! And thanks to erilaz for his kind help! My last question is, would it be possible to access and set the global x/y/z vertex po…
Thanks… but I do not come close to your code example. (As I wrote in the first post, I’m totaly new to max script) Did you consider that meshes are …
Yes thanks! I recognice the problem. It become very complex to save all obects they are included in an open Dummy and regroup them back at the end…
Thanks, this works great on ediableMesh and editablePoly. Unfortunately a lot of the Mesh/Polys are inside groups then it does not work. I get the fo…
[font=Tahoma]Seems like a good idea. It probably wont make it to the next update but I’ll add it to my to-do list. “* I like to have silders for t…
Hi, I like the way SME works. But how can I save user made scheme of SME of my current loaded max file ? After restart all the work is gone Suggest…
How will i able to save a scheme? After call SME and quit 3dmax after the next restart SME all the work is gone Thanks and Cheers David