matchpattern (xs as string) pattern:“Deleted XRefScene:*” What do I win?
That’s going to take some digesting to understand… I love the theory of Regex, but reading it is like reading Russian for me! Thanks again!
Not pretty but it’ll catch most practical cases… a = “\\\”Test\\\\\”dshjhsd\”” fn checkString str = ( rx = dotnetobject “System.Text.RegularExpre…
Where I’m up to… a = “\\\”Test\\”” fn checkString str = ( rx = dotnetobject “System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex” “(?<!\\\\)\”” while …
Hmmm now I need to make it even cleverer… An odd number of backslashes before a ” is ok… an even number is not…
Perfect Thanks Sergey!
Basically as part of my interactive rollout builder I’d like to add the dotNet controls that we all use frequently as they can be added to a standard …
Thanks Serejah! That’ll do for me to make my own list!
Nothing in the help about this… I guess the ‘only’ way to do this would be to merge everything in… find out what the influences are and delete everyth…
Hmm the problem is with changing the size of buttons interactively using the window hWnds is that to make it accurate you need to move all the control…
I can definitely reduce the flicker for any spinner-type inputs. Just need to do a bit of code refactoring.
Version 1.4 released. More Rollout properties exposed, annoy everyone with pictorial backgrounds, Bugs fixed with escape characters, duplicate names o…