Does FormattedPrint() not work for this?
Thanks for that explanation Bobo, and your excellent boboland website I was aware of the issue having the Render Dialog open at the same time. I ap…
I managed to get the fundamentals of the car game working, could drive the thing forward and turn, the physics weren’t correct, hadn’t got round to co…
I’m designing a car racing game that doubles as an animation tool as it will record your movements. Not having much time to work on it though…
Oh i look forward to this! hehe, I think Jim Jagger made Pinball for max.
Awesome cheers mate.
Cheers mate, that appears to have worked.
qRender = GetLastRenderedImage() –RPath = Execute( as string) qRender.filename = “G:/test01.jpg” Save qRender Yay, that works, Dave Ps Sorry hav…
Getting somewhere, but stuck on this at the moment. qRender = GetLastRenderedImage() RPath = Execute(“G: est01.jpg” as string) qRender.filename = RP…