I get that If i run it on an collapsed object, but I’m using an edit_poly modifier, try it with that instead. See if you get the none-selection proble…
theObject = modPanel.getCurrentObject() thePolys = ( theObject.GetSelection #Face node:selection[1]) as array for i = 1 to thePolys.count do ( …
Right just to make clear… I’m using 3dsmax 9 32bit, no sp. I’ve got a plane, some polys selected. A greeble modifier which selects some faces. and…
My code happily returns the faces as an array, i’m then trying to set the selection so it’s just the nth number of the array. If the array was #(1,5,…
And can’t seem to set Material IDs with an Edit Poly Modifier either… I don’t particularily want to collapse the stack…
actionMan.executeAction 0 “40468” Doesn’t allow you to code which file you open though… I’m sure Zebox will know the answer…
Awesome stuff ZeBoxx2!!! Only slight nag is when you goto save_as and you overwrite an existing file you get 2 warnings now Well done, exactly what…
Yes I know the Incremental Script, have used it before, but it still doesn’t stop my problem of when you want to click save-as and hit save by acciden…
Well that works but doesn’t help you when you go File – Save instead. I’m sure everyone can recall a moment when they’ve gone to click Save-As and hi…
How about for next challenge we make it a Particle Flow Script Challenge? I’m just starting to get into Scripting in particle Flow and would like to s…
You can create a Grid helper object, rotate that to the angle you want your co-ordinates system at, then if you right click on that helper you can cli…
Wouldn’t personally do it any other way, you can do a lot with using a gradient ramp. Render it to RLA and it’ll be more powerful as a 32bit Floating …
Gradient map of White to Black, apply a UV plane in side view. Render from top… Done. Dave Wortley