Ok I need some pretty urgent help working out why this won’t work when rendering multiple frame sequences. Any ideas?
Might help if I remember that the rate is per second, so needs to be more like 2000, that helps but is not perfect.
That is a shame, has anyone seen any other tutorials on this sort of effect. I’m trying to use a find target then PFspliner to make the splines but I’…
Dmaxer: great animation , hope you got your script sorted ? Thanks guys. I had been messing around with max and 3d programs for a couple of years…
My First year, first semester coursework at uni, 20 credits worth for the animation 20creds for R&D portfolio, used some scripting to help me anim…
Wow, Danny I could have really done with your Piano MIDI maxscript a few years ago when I did this for my university project, had to animate it all by…
Executing with ‘undo-off’ makes scripts run a lot faster but then you might need undo for this tool.
Why include your maps at all? Just make them on a network path and then you don’t need to include them, will be much quicker to submit jobs to backbu…
You could also decrease the interpolation of your spline to be jaggady like a wall built out of those sections is. Might work…
ghostlake114: I make a search with Bobo as name and many keyword may has like decimal, float, formattedprint… etc but get no info Moreover, I have …