I didn’t know this existed either… What are the applications of it? I’m assuming it’s best uses are in rigging?
Cheers, Bobo pointed me towards the same bit of the help file… lesson learned… read propperly… Trying to get my head around the matrix and how it wor…
maxfilepath + maxfilename + localtime + “.tga” Is what you want but… localtime = “08/04/2009 15:58:27” so you don’t want / and : in your filename… s…
I’ve got this working with a particle flow but it just rotates each particle locally, how do I get it to move the particles as well? Do i have to get …
@ j-man – Can’t use wiring as I’m planning on converting this to a particle system to try get groups of particles rotation around helpers. @phoelix -…
I could also do the obvious thing of using a spinner instead which I can limit to Float/Integer easily! But thanks for the code anyway, I’ll need it …
Well we work with VRay, and whenever you choose an HDRI for a reflections override, you have to drag n drop that material into the material editor to …
Yeah it’s a bit rubbish really… Can I at least get the right-click copy/instance/paste working at all? I can write a write-around, but it’s frustrati…
Surely distance to light would just be a lighting pass? Or am I missing something? You can use falloff materials, or a manual spherical UVW gizmo mig…
Look in the help for Try() and Catch()
I think it’s more like Google-earth than SeeDragon, I wasn’t envovled with the actual website development, just this image, the data pipeline and the …