Check out the conform modifier. think it’s somewhere on
I was told by Autodesk themselves that BackBurner was going to become Open-Sourced…
Yeah been asking for Deadline for a while but not getting it for the moment Thinking I might write my own strip renderer for now using the cmd rende…
Problem is with that is we use strip rendering on a large scale. Often rendering a 12,000×8000 pixel image in 200 strips to make the most of using the…
Inadvertant Thanks here!.. Was looking into doing something slightly similar to this but the code on this page gave me the foundation knowledge to do …
Any ideas why max will just switch back to defaults in the netrender dialog and overright my edits with the original settings in the xml when i goto n…
You can control the Frame Buffer in max before you submit it. As for timeouts, you can edit a file somewhere to edit your defaults for submitting to b…
Well if it’s Vray then it should be something like this instead. for o in getclassinstances VrayMtl do ( try ( o.texmap_diffuse.coords.mapcha…
Mine does. you have to use diffusemap.coords.mapchannel not diffusemap.mapchannel
Wouldn’t something like this work? Just get all the standard materials, if they have a diffusemap then change the mapping channel to 2 and show in vi…
$Omni01.on = False $Omni01.on = true Switches for on or off.
Sweet, I was looking at this a couple of weeks ago and was writing loads of code to get around this, looks like you guys have a more efficient functio…
Can you re-write it to use… for o in … do rather than for i = 1 to … do Isn’t it much quicker to use the first in certain instances?