Thanks Bobo, makes perfect sense as normal.
–Alternatively, we could submit the file without opening it, but then we would have to provide a custom job info file without real insight into the fi…
Thanks Bobo works like a dream. I’ve just editted the code to work from a predefined Repository location and it just submits the current open Max Fi…
Thanks Bobo, will check this out in the morning. I can hard-code the repository as we have that mapped over UNC. And with regards to it looking scary……
That would be perfect if you can find it. Many thanks.
Bottom left corner verts position is [Point1.x, Point1.y, Point2.z] Top right corner is [Point 2.x, Point2.y, Point1.z] So there you have your 4 poin…
Perfect Thanks.
Thanks DenisT, where is the best place to find the properties for the treeview and nodes? For instance I now want to ‘refresh’ my tree system, so I wa…
I owe you a beer Gravey, thanks, hopefully this will be useful for anyone else wanting to do a similar thing.
And one other small thing, can I get the recursive function (Gravey’s) to ignore certain folders, with say name “maps” from being included in the tree…
I can only find reference to ExpandAll() and on BeforeExpand and on AfterExpand.
Cheers Gravey, that works just as I needed to. Thanks for the explanation Paul, didn’t realise you could use tags like that. Is there a way to expan…