My base node mesh has vertex animation on it, it’s just one poly, ontop of this a Shell and some other modifiers go on top, we need to change the ID o…
$ basically refer to one node…unless all the nodes are of the same class and you’re changing a global parameter like radius for spheres for instance. …
Yeah I considered doing that but realised it was going to be slow and possibly introduce some errors, but I managed to bake the animation into the ver…
Take a look at the overscan plugin and the ImagePlane Script, this might help you work out some more precise values for the frustrum. I’ve just teste…
Would be interested in seeing what you come up with, we use Michal Breidts Overscan script to adjust both frustrum, often when we don’t need a wider f…
You have to read the max ini file to get the gamma settings.
That’s how I do it for mine, altho I am thinking about a custom material exporter that would work between max versions, I have written one for specifi…
I wrote something the other day which does something that might help… It just compares the objects position at one point in time further, and uses the…
If you’re comparing UV space and bitmap values then they have different spaces. UV is bottom left corner is 0,0 with a bitmap it’s top-left.
OK assuming your Polys are square… Test each vert to find which way corner is 0,0 in Uv space and which is 1,1 you just then right a couple of case s…
Many Thanks Bobo, I’ve now got it working and more importantly I now understand what this all means. fn Placepivot theobj vert1 vert2 = ( –Get th…
Ok so i took the example and just wanted to see whether I could get the helpers aligned to the face normal and it doesn’t work… and I’ve pretty much j…