For o in objects where classof o == XrefObject do delete o
Thanks Rappy, but that’s not the intention of my script. My script is more similar to MartinB’s Overscan script where you can modify the camera FOV an…
So having sat on it for a bit I’ve realised rather than having a dedicated Undo button for my script the best thing to do is use the #sceneUndo callba…
I always think Hold/Fetch is a lazy way to code tools, it’s all well and good for small scenes but when you work with CAD data it’s just impractical t…
Yeah, was just thinking out loud, turns out I didn’t need to make it that complicated, just stored those values before my buttons do anything and then…
for i = lv.selecteditems.count to 1 by -1 do ( –delete the max file.. [b]deleteFile[/b] a.tag lv.Items.Remove(lv.selecteditems.item[i-1])…
fn bb2rect = ( if $ != undefined then ( renderSceneDialog.close() vpSize = getViewSize() gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1) sel = getCurrents…
It works, but a) is really really slow and b) if the object goes off the edge of the Frame the region is rendering into negative space, which causes i…
Thanks Dan, I’m going to pass these point2 value to Deadline so it’s not really a pre-render script, as it’ll be set before submission, but needs to b…
Cheers that works!