Looks really promising, could be very useful!
I’ve seen a few people using this approach but I’ve often wondered how you deal with bug checking? Is there some form of plugin so that max can highli…
case mapoptions.state of ( 1: ( –do this ) 2: ( –do this instead ) ) for example… rollout rl_Test “” ( radiobuttons rdo_1 “…
Would be even better if you could use a function to build it for you automatically, unfortunetly this doesn’t work in maxscript unless anyone can corr…
I’m working on a 7000+ line tool at the moment, and I manage it by keeping everything in sections, declare lots of functions and putting ( ) around co…
[0,0,0] is a point 3 value so you can access values individually too a = [0,0,0] a.x = 1 [1,0,0] with animate on at time 100 do $Teapot001.pos.x = 1
Position is a Point 3, xyz value so expects 3 numbers in brackets such as: [0,0,0] [10,10,10] [-10,20,30] with animate on at time 100 do $Teapot001.po…
for o in (GetPropNames $.material) do ( Getproperty o $.material )
The deadline submitter is almost entirely maxscript based and the files are not encypted so you can customise it to however you like, on the forum you…
You can’t save a max file in backburner mode, it needs to be in workstation mode. For all these things you really need to look at something a bit bet…
Having strange errors with max2011 as well. I’ve had this issue before where if I’m using If…= … then I need to have an else clause to make the script…
Why would you want to source images from the internet rather than downloading them?
Go to your max install folder… C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max xxxx\Scripts\Helium\Code Load up the Init script and right click, add nodes and see …
Helium is great, there is loads of example documentation and you can downloading something like Bercon’s SME to see some practical information on how …
Ok turns out I misinterpreted .isselected so this works… Thanks Kees for i=1 to FXSchematic.getNodeCount do ( FXSchematic.activeNode = i if …