It almost drove me mad trying to work out why my script wasn’t working once apon a time and then I realised it was fine and it was just the interface …
I took the optimization 1 step further on my blog, but didn’t know you could set a property for all items in a selectionset like that. Cheers for the …
I put a breakdown of how to write this script on my blog.
You don’t need to set the Gbuffer IDs the script does that for you. Goto the Maxscript menu ->New Script, paste all this code in the window and pre…
This will work by setting the gbuffer channel IDs, not using the include list in the matte element as I couldn’t see how to access it. ( re = maxOps…
For which renderer?
Cheers guys, trying to add a little most days, but I have a habit of rambling on a bit…
I’m not sure there is, just a random thought I had when I was trying to do something similar a while back. I’m sure there’s some clever way of looking…
Would it be quicker to check the sum total of the alpha values of 1 line of pixels > 0 before running through pixel by pixel?
Have a look at this…
In this case it was just removing the top bit and a ‘)’ at the bottom, compare yourself.
There is a difference between a maxscript and a macroscript. You can’t run a macroscript as a maxscript. The macroscript has an additional header to …
Classof? classof “test” String classof 1 Integer classof 1.0 Float classof (color 255 255 255) Color classof [255,255,255] Point3 classof [0,1] Point…