Would it not be better to ask this in the main 3dsmax forum rather than the developers?
I’m glad I’m not the only one!
Is there anything stopping you from sending off an empty rendering job with a pre-render script to do your bidding instead?
Depends what you are trying to do, some features aren’t supported in maxscript running in slave mode.
I normally just set the full Vray Props. if ( findstring (getUserPropBuffer o ) “VRay” )== undefined do ( setUSerPropBuffer $ “VRay_MoBlur_GeomSa…
You can filter using classof… for i in geometry where classof i != VRayFur do print i
You can split your render into strips using the split scanline rendering mode in backburner, or if you use Deadline you can do Tiles rendering which …
The timer works quite well as I can control how frequently the code is run which is pretty useful.
What is better is to collect the nodes in an array and then select the array.
The best option is to use Deadline instead… fully scriptable.
Take a look at this…
denisT: it’s an anachronism. Not only does DenisT teach maxscript he also teaches me new words!