Good to see you around Matt! Dave (ex-Pompey Computer Anim.)
You would be better off doing the formatting to one line… format “\”%\”,%,% ” a.pos.controller[2].value a.rotation.controller[2].value to:ToM…
I suggest you take a little look at my blog… might help you understand a few things. try(DestroyDialog RL_QuickRender)catch() rollout RL_QuickRender …
I think what you are wanting to do is store the original Size in a local variable inside the script and then be able to reference this value in your s…
bcavett: Thanks. I came across that thread after my post and it has the answers I was looking for. Sometimes the search function doesn’t work for …
Probably quicker than doing it on a per vertex basis with high-res models. It’s all still totally scriptable, even if it’s an animation…
You needn’t necessarily use script, you could render a ambient occlusion pass baked-to-texture and then use this as a map in a Volume Select to select…
Does the Vray Scene convertor work for Autodesk materials? Right-click in viewport “VRay Scene Convertor” Can’t test it in my old version of max sor…
Would this work? (Friday humour moment )
Figured it out.
Yeah I know what you mean, I was just surprised to see this work! col = [0.5,0.5,0.5] (col as point4) as point3 –returns color 128 128 128
Not about your specific issue but… On your post you had a function to convert [1,1,1] to (color 255 255 255) I discovered today that you can say ([1,1…
Come on Denis, you know you love a challenge