Or another way to do it would be do… for o in objects where classof o == Multiscatter do print o.name
You can use dependent refs… (refs.dependents (getclassinstances Multiscatter)[1])[1].name
DataPairs are something new to me… what would be the ‘normal’ practical usage?
My solution… AR_Sets = #(#(1,3,5),#(1,2,5),#(4,5)) AR_VarArgs = #() vv = stringstream “” AR_Var = “#(” for i = 1 to AR_Sets.count do ( format “for…
This looks really interesting thanks! Would be amazing to be able to fully grab any part of max’s UI for our own custom tools without having to recrea…
Denis, know of any trick to get the range of a value? For where you have limits of a spinner dialog for instance…
Yeah cheers Denis, just about got to that conclusion that I’ll need to pass showproperties… Nice trick with the CreateInstance, wasn’t aware of that …
Although this fails when I’m trying to get the class of a texmap slot that’s missing a texmap of course as the property returns undefined.
Oops yep Matt is absolutely correct there.
I think you’re just missing a few brackets… and got one line wrong… ( rollout ssp “Standard materials” –assign a name to the rollout ( spinner spns…
I could give you the answer but why don’t you post what you’ve tried so far so we can point you in the right direction to learn it rather than just co…
It is on their list…
I don’t believe it is, annoyingly it would be useful for making sure pipeline consistency… I’ll message Vlado and ask him to implement it. Dave (VR…