It’s a bit of a pain to do a type conversion on things like Renderers, you’re best off converting them to string then matching patterns. And then to a…
Your code had issue with Parentheses you might need to click in the Maxscript Listener and press Escape to cause an interruption before my code will w…
rollout RendererSelection ” Renderer Selection” ( listbox lbInstRenderers “Installed Rendering Engines” fn RenderersList= ( lbInstRe…
GetInterface is a new one on me… clever stuff, have some brownie points for beating Denis!
Strange… I just did it again and yours got 34 also…
I can count 34 bits in my pflow view, your function only returns 33.
Klunk, I catch one more than yours in my test scene.
I’ve caught all the nodes, the Particle Flow systems and the Events… (for o in objects where o.category == #Particle_Flow or o.category == #Particle_…
Looks nice and simple
Oh good, as that was nice and easy what about moving the Render Scene Dialog (or any other dialog for that matter?)
Have you installed it as per the instructions?
Woops yep sorry didn’t test it, and yeah you’re right about Multi-sub and VrayBlends and Vray2SidedMtls… I’ve got a more complete function somewhere …
And not to be picky over material types… for mat in scenematerials where classof mat == material do showTextureMap mat on
AmericanFootball = (for i in (try(#(2))catch(theball)) collect point3)