We could make a funny thread, showing some really old scripts we all wrote and how we’d make them 100x better and faster now.
Its’ the way the render command gets passed to max from backburner, it gets sent the RenderWidth and RenderHeight values on submission so won’t pick u…
It’s because the node name is referencing a node with a handle ID (each object in max has it’s own 1234567 number that is used when referencing so tha…
It does replace the dialog, you you put a spinner on the rollout and change the value it gets reset when the button is pressed, but it appears the Rol…
Hmm, so ok I see why it’s confusing though, the redefining of the rollout should override that but it doesn’t… is it because Rollouts are global? And …
The SubRollout is not getting recreated each time, the Rollout inside loses 13 pixels of width when put in the SubRollout, then you’re assigning the S…
I think it’s to do with the scroll bar border that the subrollout control has to have to allow subrollouts to scroll up and down. When a Rollout gets …
Hmm might it have something to do with multiple occurances in the array?
Yeah you wouldn’t then need to do a DeepCopy either… fn SubAB AA BB = for i in AA where finditem BB i == 0 collect i tt = #(“aa”,”bb”,”cc”) dd = #(“…
fn SubAB AA BB = ( for i = 1 to BB.count do ( local f = (finditem AA BB[i]) if f != 0 do deleteitem aa f …
fn SubAB AA BB = ( for i = 1 to BB.count do if finditem AA BB[i] != 0 do deleteitem aa (finditem AA BB[i]) AA ) tt = #(“aa”,”bb”,”cc”) dd = #(“aa”…
Also you can use dotNet to build dynamic UIs
Can you use SubRollout?
Thanks Lo. As it’s in the MouseDown event handler for a dotnet button it gets called repeatedly which is what I need.