What I’ve used it for is for linking to existing max windows so that it always floats on top, as you can get the hWnd for any max window, it won’t clo…
Yes! I knew something Denis didn’t! Strange I thought the moon was slightly blue last night…
Can you make sure you build in a check to avoid the crash when you have a large chunk of code selected and press F1, it crashes max and I’ve done it f…
You should post up the basic frame work of the script for the creation and closing of the dialogs and we can take a look at it and advice you without …
There is a known forced issue with the declaration of variables within structs that will cause issues for certain scripts in max 2014.
Or if you always need a positive value you can use abs() to get the absolute value.
Times by -1?
Could you use dotnet? There is a Kill() method for the Process object. s = dotNetObject “System.Diagnostics.Process” dotNetObject:System.Diagnostics….
Use Subrollouts?
Disable the Expert-mode short-cut key and put a floating window over the button
Invoke Expert Mode then add your UI back in?
I find I have a billion things open on my start bar so all my max’s end up grouped. I know it’s more UI real estate taken up but hey I thought it’d be…
Actually I can think of a tabbed system that could work, it would be a hack but it would give the impression of working in a tabbed application… I sha…
The first script I wrote was one to set animation keys on piano keys for my 1st year university project, I don’t have that any more but the irst scrip…