In this particular instance not many, probably under 100… but it would be interesting to see the comparisons? Perhaps someone else wants to join the p…
You need to use a for loop to go through every item in the array collection of turbosmooths that getclassinstances generates. You can then just tell i…
I’m confused… if it’s all yours… (and therefore maxscript I’m assuming) Rollout RL_test “” ( dropdownlist ddl_a “a” items:#(“1″,”2″,”3″,”4”) …
No worries, good to double check
I’m pretty sure what I wrote was correct did you read the entire line of comment I wrote? a = 20 – this is within a scope so it is bound by the scop…
It depends where you define a… a = 10 — this is at no indentation point so is assumed to be global ( a = 20 — this is within a scope so it is …
Opening, setting the position is fine… I need to return a point 2 value for x and y screen positions of an opened dialog… I’m trying to put some C# c…
This one… local hWnd = (for w in windows.GetChildrenHwnd 0 where matchPattern w[5] pattern:”Render Setup:*” collect w[1])[1…
Absolutely! Always interested in hearing the sledge-hammer of DenisT’s criticism Always good to learn
Very impressive, I’m struggling to understand how yours is so much less heavy on the memory? The functions seem so similar…
Actually it works for strings too… but even heavier/slower… seed 0 list = #() for i = 1 to 50000 do ( append list (“Test” + (random 1 100) as stri…
My current function is only for numbers, not sure where float values will slow it at all, but working on your 50000 random number generator. gc() t1 …
dupes:100 time:208 memory:2782600L It appears I have a memory hungry one too!