Thanks Eric, Blend material works with Mental Ray and only required one line of code to be adjust to switch from Shell to Blend, so I’ll work with tha…
I’m extending the Shell material and the Shell Material works with mental Ray. There isn’t a Mental Ray version of a Shell material as far as I know.
2013, and to confirm it is a material not a map.
Do I win? delete objects seed 0 t = teapot segments:32 edges = #{(random 1 t.mesh.edges.count)..(random 1 t.mesh.edges.count)} converttomesh t setEd…
Cool cheers for that, it was probably over a year ago I last looked.
It is a mess, recently I had a script which I needed to unhide an object on the layer but without unhiding the layer and had to use isnodehidden inste…
But you’re doing a callback on a node being hidden not a layer, you can have a node hidden or unhidden within a layer so the two are different? No ca…
100 1000 10000 Yeah I’m not going to try 100000 OK sortCorrect() sortIncorrect() correct iterations:399 time:1 memory:3392L #(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …
This is the only thing I can think of… Case of ( ((v1[2]) == (v2[2]) and (v1[1] < v2[1])) : -1 ((v1[2]) == (v2[2]) …
I’ve searched but can’t find this point you’re raising…
time:283 memory:1384L My Solution… seed 0 num = 10000 arr = for k=1 to num collect #(random 0 1000,random 0 1000,random 0 1000) fn compareFN v1 v2…
Aha but your code is incorrect Denis… Yours returns… #(#(0, 100, 2), #(0, 200, 4), #(0, 300, 5), #(0, 400, 1), #(10, 200, 3)) not #(#(0, 100, 2), #(…