You may find this helpful… If something isn’t clear let me know and I’ll write a part 2. D
I’m still confused as to why you would need to sort this type of array in the first place?
A useful trick is to times the first number by 1.0, this is useful when you’re dealing with variables and don’t know if you’re getting floats or integ…
I think I was trying to convince myself that there’d be an issue doing a == test because of floating point precision, but I guess as they are both poi…
Funny that… lol, I thought about it just as I was leaving the office… What I like to refer to as a ‘brain-fart’
This will remove it from the scene and stop the pop-up without having to reset the renderer. rootScene.renderer.Camera_Output_Shader.Streak_Image = “…
Sorry Lo you are right it does appear to be working. All good
Eric Craft suggested another work-around I couldn’t get the way you suggested to work. Just using a Explicit Mapping channel and Planar mapping with …
Potentially, I found this bit of code whilst I was looking for something else and thought I’d let people have it. I’ve found issues with the showprop…
Another slightly more advanced one which lists the node properties (if it is a node) and also the interfaces all in one go. fn showAll theclass = ( …