Yeah it seems fairly fast at the moment, I’ve made my own function with a mix of mine, yours and Denis’s ideas, and I’ve made a version for doing the …
Damn, every time I think I’ve got one up on you Denis you always out-smart me
And we must add protection for those pesky TargetObjects which are geometryClass. for node in nodes where iskindof node GeometryClass and classof n !…
But DenisT, what happens when your number of faces is less than your left value mod (-5) 20
Hmm I’m wondering on a particuarly heavy scene whether a snapshot as mesh would be too heavy, and would it be better to build rather than start with a…
Particle Flow would be a good example of when they wouldn’t match… each operator has a handle but doesn’t appear in the objects array, this would also…
When would they not?
Maybe something clever with handle IDs? sOldHandle = objects.count mergemaxfile @”c: emp\Merge_A.max” theobjs = (for o in objects where o.inode.han…
There are two ways that I use, select nothing and then merge in using #select or do a comparison. ( max select none local mergedObjs = #() local pObj…
soulburn3d: Or do you have to make an array of all scene objects before the merge, then another after, and find out the difference? Thanks. Yep j…
You need to look up… menuMan in the maxscript Help… and how to use macroscripts menuMan.createSubMenuItem
Sigh… Best get digging… first step find where I install the SDK from…
Works for me…