If you want to go down the Regex route then you may find this useful.
If your naming convention is strict then you can simply have a script which filters the string into tokens. tokens = filterstring RendOutputFilename …
I work like this: Identify a problem that needs solving (normally with a “Dave can you make me a tool which does this…” Create a basic UI that should…
I don’t think I knew you could write function, and I’m lazy, less typing always please! I still haven’t understood mapped functions yet.
Yeah this is the part where my head starts to hurt… From: I need to catch the messages… Private Const MK_XBUTTON1 As Integer = &H10000 Private …
The webBrowsert.document mousedown event doesn’t get fired when using xButton1 or xButton! rollout RL_WebBrowser “” width:500 ( dotNetControl wb “S…
denisT: seems like not only you doesn’t read a documentation MouseDown – Infrastructure. This event is not supported by this control. I read…
Seems like others have had this problem too…
It can also be necessary if the RenderSceneDialog window is open to do a RenderSceneDialog.commit() to apply any changes that you’ve just set in this …
You may be able to do a horrible callback hack which would change the value, to the animation of another parameter on each time change call.
Yes they completely re-wrote the Layer Manager system in 2015.
Is this 3dsmax 2015 or before?
I don’t think it’s currently possible… Annoyingly
I just found this really useful site for doing Regex writing.