Another demo, of an Invert Selection / Soft Selection modifier, I could have used this so many times for keeping things procedural!
Gary shows a bit of MCG in his presentation.
I expected a comment like that from DenisT, but I’m sure he’ll still manage to school us all on how it should work even if he doesn’t use it to make h…
I think they still have some way to go with regards to mesh processing speed in MCG, but I trust the developers will improve this in forth-coming SP a…
Something along these lines will probably help you… StandardMaterial diffuse:Mix() for o in scenematerials where o.diffuse_texmap != undefined do (…
If you wanted to use no scripting at all you can use the Volume Select modifier to select by Material ID / Face ID. A nice little secret of max!
You probably want this… $.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].setMapChannel 0 Not got max to hand to test though.
Cheers guys, both work!
You aren’t trying to convert the text “1” to a number value, you’re trying convert #(“1”) to a number which is an array value instead. Filterstring r…
Yes please Klunk, that would be an awesome tutorial. I’d love to use that function.
I’ve got another slightly hacky way of doing it. Install Kees’s Helium plugin, and you can use the function to get the shader ball as a bitmap value….