You can get the FPS… viewport.GetFPS() (well not the true one but the one that max thinks it has). I worked on a script with Daniel Santana to update…
Is there any way with a MXS extension to get the viewport statistics in full? Polys, Tris, Edges, Verts. Total + Selection for all of these?
Sounds like a job for MCG Denis (english sarcasm intended)
It is possible, Daniel Santana knows how
Happy 8000 posts Denis! Can’t be many people on this forum with that kind of contribution!
I can see some uses if they opened up the ‘tracking’ API within it, that way we could have a proper macro builder for max and maybe a few more useful …
You’ll find a lot of people on there aren’t running the latest version in production (we’re still on max 2014), but I want to make sure when we do upg…
#1 Containers… just never worked in our workflow #2 State Sets… we were promised node-based render manager, got a glorified macro recorder #3 Populate…
A point in MCG’s favour… no recompiles necessary for future version of max…
Ditto… probably the biggest thing holding back our industry… I always applaud any open-sourcing from companies. They are always too protective and wor…
I’m hoping with MCG using maxscript for the UI of that we might get some better core UI items.
Max 2016 has a new translator which I’m finding much better results with.
Hopefully MCG will encourage some improvements to maxscript controls so we can use the UI more. I’m currently pushing for a much improved curve edito…
Hmm ok it’s because I’m redefining the def_test attribute on each run of the script… def_test = attributes testCA ( parameters main rollout:RL_te…