Well for the record… (to help other people on future google searches) Max vs Maya with Transform and Shape Nodes… If you’re coming from Maya or you’…
Most of the things in this thread have been “this is how we do it in max, how do we do it in maya” and I’ve found this side of the forum has many more…
Back into the Maya… learning PySide which is much much friendlier for UIs, I look forward to bringing that to my max tools soon as well in 2017. I’m …
I do wish I had the VRaySamplerInfo Render Element in Maya right now, It’d make my life a lot easier!
Vlado, is there any forum you don’t relentlessly stalk? haha
So there is no superclass/class system in maya? I’m trying to get a list of all the lights in the scene, regardless of maya standard or Vray. Garghhh…
So that gets me the Shading Groups, but that’s not the same as materials? I’m trying to collect all the Blinn, Lambert, VrayMtl, etc… I’m thinking I…
Cheers for you help Denis, What’s the equivalent of the ‘Group’ Ui in maya, looks like you’ve got it in your examples
Does Maya allow you to have multiple objects with the same name like max?
Have you got a super simple UI demo with button presses, spinners, checkbox? Rollout RL_Test “Test” ( button btn_A “A” checkbox chk_B “B” …
Trying to find a list of the cmds I found this little snippet… it lists a lot of stuff! import maya.cmds as mc for k in sorted(mc.__dict__.keys()): …
Cheers Denis, What about getting display layers from the scene and what objects are in those layers? And just more generally is there an equivalent …
I know this is completely the wrong place to post this but maybe it’ll be useful for other people too. What’s the equivalent of getclassinstances in …
Say what you like about Max, but it’s so easy to open it up, write a tool, with a UI without having to do any external IDE configuration, global varia…
When I’m looking at examples like this is seems like I still need to have a basic grasp of MEL though correct?