I’ve reported it from the beta program as well.
I’m not sure there is a solution, but I’m certainly hoping there is one soon. Maybe VrayRT will have support soon… you never know.
Search for Martin Breidt’s ImagePlane script. It’s free!
If the user has windows UAC then don’t save in the program files folder, you’ll have to go in the user directories instead, which is also then set per…
The spline can have any number of knots and be any type of smooth/bezier etc… The MCG script uses LERP to get points along a curve.
Make sure your script goes to userscripts rather than the scripts directory if you want to avoid permissions issues.
There is a function which is getThisScriptFilename() Which will get the filename of a script that is being run, but it has to be in the script that i…
You can get a node name before it is deleted and then you could make a copy so it’s kept in the scene, it will break any references but if you know wh…
You could write callbacks to make sure that the object never gets hidden or frozen, that would be better than a timer control. I think the class of o…
You’re probably better off doing this with a dotNet Form and dotNet UI controls.
Controller Outputs are: Color Controller Float Controller Point3 Controller Point4 Controller Position Controller Rotation Controller Scale Controlle…
How would a multi-parent constraint work?
If you were on the beta Denis you could get access to the very latest build
I’ve just released a stupidly simple controller that is quite useful. @DenisT – You got Max 2016 yet to play with MCG?