Actually to answer my own question… yes. 200 scene objects… test against 1 box. Intersects() 1ms SAT = 12ms First intersects then SAT = 6ms
That’s awesome! What do you think would work better on a large scene example? run intersects() first then this test to confirm? or just the latter?
Actually the very best use of this on Windows 10 is to combine both… So you trigger switchToThisWindow() then trigger the toast notification… this wa…
Yep that works! DenisT magic for the win! Thanks a lot!
Scratch that… scope variable issue
Must be a win7/10 thing… it only flashes on taskbar for me…
Any idea why it doesn’t work when using the toast notification as above?
Is this focus fighting? struct notify ( fn CreateUser32Assembly = ( src = “using System;” src += “using System.Runtime.InteropServices;” src += “c…
Alas not when I’ve connected it to the Toast Notification…
Serejah: src = “using System;” src += “using System.Runtime.InteropServices;” src += “class User32” src += “{” src += “[DllImport(“User32.dll”)] pu…
Running on Windows 10 here
That brings it back only if it’s minimized, otherwise it flashes on taskbar…
Tried that too, but it just makes the taskbar item flash… which is 50% better