I’m not sure how that will work with the wacom plugged in/out. The reason for this is with Windows 10 + Max 2014 + Wacom tablet plugged in, if you op…
I’ve found this code for detecting hardware but I’m struggling to find out from MSDN how to check for Human Interface devices. Fn GetHardwareProp HwC…
Nice to know thanks!
Very useful! thanks! windows.setWindowPos dialog.resize_bt.hwnd[1] 20 30 50 20 true so it’s Hwnd x y w h bool? Boolean seems to have some effect on w…
Denis is there any way to resize a maxscript button using window.sendMessage?
I tried to find this to be able to toggle ‘compress on save’ ini option on for autosaves but I couldn’t find a way to make it happen.
Well I didn’t want to make it easy for you did I
You’re mixing two things here… You’ve told maxscript that you want to make array with two items, but maxscript has no ID name-tags to know what those …
Almost, I need to return the world space values without using a node’s transform as I’m just working with one particle position…
See attached…
It doesn’t need to be particle code at the moment… Just create a teapot, rotate it to an arbitrary angle and then create 10 boxes in the same orienta…
Note that FindItem is case sensitive for strings in arrays but you can use matchpattern to ignore cases.
You may have to use… $.controller.scale = [1,1,1] $.scale = [1,1,1] Sometimes messes up with negative scale.