Try loading this code into notepad++ qsort myArray FnTest if thisvalue do that if (this) do( –this shouldn’t be bold ) fn myfunction = ( newV…
Found a bug… This causes everything below to become blue bold… because of FN in the compareFN… qsort AR_NodeOrder compareFN Also it would be good i…
Can you add in the ability for RC menu to be broken out too?? “RCMenu”
Nice! Just trying this with a very complex tool we have and I’ll certainly be using this for debugging at least!
There is a ‘hidethirdEdge’ node in MCG which might do this… depends on topology…
PolyTools3D: Great! I absolutely misunderstood the question Thanks for trying
Jorge, 2d pan zoom mode is for zooming in on a perspective/camera viewport. Using the viewport.pan() will move the camera left and right…
@dZorg here is the solution from Chaosgroup. I knew there would be something with the baseObject to make it work. fn createVRayMeshLight = ( loc…
Interesting… I was actually working on a script recently and learned a lot about the inner workings of a Vray Mesh light in order to be able to extra…
myMat = “carpaint” ((GlobalInterface.Instance.ExecuteScript (CreateStr (“scenematerials[” + myMat + “]”)) true).ToMtlbase).GbufID = 0
You can execute a string to get access the scenematerials library or a custom array rather than using the material editor if you want to?
Cheers momo, that actually appears to have worked, by just setting the registry key!
OGSDiagnostics.hardwareReport “////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// Nitrous Hardware Report /…