OK – final update to the app: I’ve now added a selection of 12 custom fonts, of varying sizes and styles, full punctuation and European character set …
I thought I’d briefly show the comparison between a comment-headered file and a normal file, and how it’s easier to skim through the one with comment …
I’ve just updated it so that the application will now start with the first input and output preset, so max users, you will need to edit the preset.xml…
That’s really useful info, and it works! However, it looks like I can just add the following lines to the Users Preference file, which overrides the …
Hey Richard, Thanks for the reply. Can you tell me how those characters fared when included in the file as part of comment blocks?
Maybe create a scripted modifier and allow the gizmo to define the direction…
Sorry – double post
I also think this is a great idea! My code site (as opposed to my portfolio) uses Wordpress to do pretty much the same thing. Specific to my blog I…
We need a jello (Jelly, in English) maxscript challenge! LoneRobot: Speaking of taking your work home, One of my friends here at work said onc…
I’m afraid I can’t help with the problem directly, but I find enableaccellerators to be completely unreliable at the best of times. If anyone from Au…
Hey guys, Thanks so much for the info. We’re just chucking ideas around at the moment, but that’s really helpful. Richard, in particular, thanks for…